Packing List for a Bachelorette Party

Packing List for a Bachelorette Party
Free, interactive, and printable checklist

Welcome to the ultimate Packing List for a Bachelorette Party!

We’re thrilled to help you get ready for a memorable celebration with your besties, whether you’re the party organizer or one of the lucky attendees, we’ve got you covered.

This interactive checklist is here to make your packing super easy. And the best part? You can easily download and print the PDF version.

So, let’s dive in and ensure you have everything you need to make this bachelorette bash unforgettable!

Bachelorette Party Packing Checklist

Check all the things you've already got or you don't need.
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Documents may not be the most exciting items to pack for a bachelorette party, but they are essential, especially if you’re traveling abroad.
If you are leaving the country
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If you are leaving the country, and it’s required
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For example, photos in case you lost the originals.
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A bachelorette party requires selecting the right clothing. You should have both something elegant and something more casual.
Usually, it should be a black dress, for example
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If you plan to swim, but even if you don’t, who knows what will happen at the party?
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Depending on the weather forecast
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Toiletries and Cosmetics

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Regardless of whether some toiletries will already be available at the place where you’ll be staying, here’s a list of items we recommend you take.


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We advise against taking too much valuable equipment. If you don’t have to, we’d recommend not taking the digital camera and using the built-in camera on your phone instead.
If needed because of different plug shapes
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Electronics, clothes, and cosmetics alone are not everything. Here are additional important items that you probably should pack for the bachelorette party.
If you plan to get drunk, we advise against taking credit/debit cards to avoid possible costly fraud. Alternatively, get one that has strict limits.
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We don’t recommend taking any expensive Jewelry, especially if you plan to drink and go to the clubs.
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For the Party

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If you’re organizing or assisting in the organization of a bachelorette party, here is a list of items worth bringing along to make your time even more enjoyable.
Stock up on a selection of drinks, including non-alcoholic options for those who don’t drink.
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Keep beverages chilled throughout the event.
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Fun props like wigs, or glasses for photo opportunities.
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Hangover Kit

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If you’re worried about getting a hangover after drinking at the bachelorette party and facing it the next day, it’s a good idea to prepare for it. Remember to stay well-hydrated. You can also bring some pain relievers just in case, like Aspirin or Ibuprofen, but not Tylenol [1].
They will allow you to add extra things later.

Tips for Packing for a Bachelorette Party

1. Don’t pack valuable items

Thieves may see bachelorette parties as prime opportunities, so it’s wise to leave expensive jewelry, designer handbags, and other valuables at home.

Opt for simple accessories and less flashy attire to avoid attracting unwanted attention. You can still look stylish without risking theft.

2. Plan Outfits in Advance

Consider the activities and venues you’ll be visiting and plan your outfits accordingly.

This way, you won’t overpack or find yourself with nothing suitable to wear. Versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched are a great choice.

If you don’t know what outfits should you bring, ask the friend who’s organizing the party.

3. Include Comfortable Shoes

While stylish heels are fun, remember to pack comfortable shoes for walking and dancing.

Sore feet can put a damper on the festivities, so ensure you have a comfy pair in your bag.

4. Check the Weather Forecast

Depending on your location, the weather can vary.

Check the forecast and pack accordingly. Don’t forget essentials like sunscreen, rain gear, or extra layers if needed.

5. Bring Reusable Shopping Bags

Reusable shopping bags are excellent for carrying souvenirs, snacks, or any items you pick up during the party.

They’re eco-friendly and convenient to have on hand.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I bring to my bachelorette party?

If you’re the one organizing the party, remember to bring not just your own items but also things for other participants. For example, Card Games, Bluetooth Speaker, or Decorations. You can find the full list in the For The Party section.

Should I bring a gift to a bachelorette party?

Bringing a gift to a bachelorette party is a thoughtful and appreciated gesture, but it’s not always mandatory. Whether or not you should bring a gift depends on your relationship with the bride-to-be and the customs or expectations of the specific bachelorette party.

In terms of gift ideas, there are many possibilities such as customized jewelry, spa or self-care package, cookbook, gift cards, or lingerie.

How much is a bachelorette gift?

The amount you should spend on a bachelorette gift can vary widely depending on your budget, your relationship with the bride, and the expectations within your social circle.

You can also consider a group gift, so you can buy a more significant gift collectively with other party participants.

Typically, bachelorette gifts start from just $5 – $20, but nothing stops you from buying a much more expensive gift, especially if the bride-to-be takes on significant costs related to organizing the event.

Who pays for things at bachelorette party?

In many cases, guests typically cover their own expenses for a bachelorette party, which may include travel, accommodation, and activities.

The bridesmaids or maid of honor often take the lead in organizing and funding the party’s activities and decorations.